Rabu, 20 November 2013

fiction story

When longing but not missed. When in dreams but not in the dream . God . Why do I feel this ? Do others also feel ? Only you know all .
Dark and quite . Only we , you and me . Who knows ? Who is watching? Nothing. Spilling the unbearable longing . Yeah , I really miss but somehow with you . That night , I hope it will not end up with a short. I hope you will not forget quickly . I don’t know what the name of this flavor , warming up prudence . Love ? I guess it's too much , dear ? I think it's more than that .
The night is getting dranker , only the dim light of the lamps out there . All sleep soundly . Just me,you and these feelings  are still awake . Looked at each other , but I don’t know what the intent was . Touching each other but I don’t know what purpose it touches . Feels warm .
Is this just my imagination ? Do you feel ? I like catapulted into the past , we like this . In silence I remember . In silence I cry . I miss , very, very homesick . Happiness was heightened even just looking at you . I don’t know where to start from , too much . Previously , may I ask a request ? Please don’t go .
Can’t you feel the sense of this ? I feel warm around you , I feel comfortable next to you . There is no single word revealed of the lips , but all of them treat this homesickness. although not entirely. I don’t want it all over, I hope the morning will come more slowly . I don’t  want you to go , I don’t want you to change . Because when morning comes , you will make all such changes don’t happen and I can only be quiet . Remembering all that had happened .
Morning came. The final touch of you makes me awake from sleep . Heart was screaming " please don’t go " .What did you hear ? I hope you hear it . But what can I do ? All eyes will be on me and you , and you have to go . Can only see your back turned to walk away and not in the slightest to see how I was doing . Don’t forget to come back , I'm still waiting . I still keep a sense of this , and I still miss that pile harbored untold . Could only smiled in silence . Thank you for a few hours meaningful . For me .

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